What Willpower! How Does the Woman Who Lost 518 Ibs at the Age of 57 Look Like Now?

American Pauline Potter revealed to her fans that practically all of her ancestors resemble our heroine today. Can you believe the woman’s name is in the Guinness Book of World Records? Paulina stated that her ex-husband was encouraged by the fact that he was sharing a bed with a star about whom only the most inattentive person had written.

“One day I just realized that I was tired of being that size,” Paulina said in an interview.  Potter sought the assistance of a nutritional surgeon.

Before the shape-shifting surgery, the doctor made sure Potter ate properly.

Paulina worked for ten years to achieve her ideal body. It’s difficult to recognize the skinny woman as the same Paulina who sought aid from specialists at first.

Potter has changed beyond recognition, and she just regrets not taking this step sooner. How do you think our heroine has changed today?

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